Class CostEstimator

Class used for estimating the TX cost on the target chain. It makes use of substrates ts.estimateFee() method to estimate the cost of the TX. It is also a producer, able to trigger the re-evaluation of a given SFX. Currently, this is triggered every 30s


  • CostEstimator



trackingMap: Map<string, Estimate> = ...

Map containg the estimates for each SFX


  • returns the transaction cost of a specific side effect in native asset


    • tx: SubmittableExtrinsic

      of the SFX on target

    Returns Promise<number>

    the cost of the SFX in native asset

  • adds a sfx to tracking list and returns an observable that emits the transaction cost in native asset


    • sfxId: string
    • tx: SubmittableExtrinsic

      of the SFX on target

    Returns Promise<BehaviorSubject<number>>

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