Type alias BiddingStrategy

BiddingStrategy: {
    bidAggressive: boolean;
    bidMeek: boolean;
    bidPercentile: number;
    closerPercentageBid: number;
    equalMinProfitBid: boolean;
    overrideNoCompetition: boolean;

Type used for describing bidding strategies. Determine how the bidding engine should act: more aggressive bids, try to get the profit, etc.

Type declaration

  • bidAggressive: boolean

    Bid aggresively to oubtbid everyone to get the sfx

  • bidMeek: boolean

    Obtain the max profit, even if it means to not win the sfx

  • bidPercentile: number

    The percentile in the range [minProfit, maxProfit] when bidding

  • closerPercentageBid: number

    How close the bid should be when resubmited after being outbid

  • equalMinProfitBid: boolean

    If outbid, executor makes a bid that's equal to the last bid done to the sfx

  • overrideNoCompetition: boolean

    Try to obtain the execution of the sfx by bidding for the smallest profit

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